Continue Her Failure Economy and Raise Costs for Families

That’s why as President, Kamala Harris will continue the Failure Economy she has championed with Joe Biden. Where woke ideology is more important than merit. The average American does not have the chance to compete because everyone is struggling to survive under Harris’s regime.  

Kamala Harris has made clear that building up the middle class will be a defining goal of her presidency, but has not made it clear how she will do so. That’s why she’s been stealing President Trump’s policies like No Tax on Tips and pretends to abandon her true plans like wanting to eliminate fracking and Electric Vehicle mandates for Car Manufacturers.

As President, she will disrupt the economy by giving “incentives” to Americans and illegal Migrants for things like buying a home, and healthcare. These credits will only inflate the cost of these goods and services, leaving hard working Americans with the bill. 

Increase the Cost of Living for Middle Class Families
Inflate the Cost of Homes and Make Rent and Home Ownership Unattainable
Suffocate Small Businesses with Increased Operating Costs
Marxist Price Controls
Mandate Universal Healthcare, Eliminate Private Insurance
Make it Impossible to Survive on Social Security
Promote DEI Over Merit and Innovation for American Workers
Increase Natural Energy Costs and Enforce “Green” Mandates

Obliterate Our Fundamental Freedoms

Kamala Harris grew up in an upper-middle class home as the daughter of a Marxist Father. She believes that the best interest of the Middle class is Extreme Government control, limited or no individual rights, and no say of parents in their child’s health or education. Kamala’s record has proven she is pro-censorship, pro-weaponization of the United States Government and anti-America. Kamala thinks she and the Government are better equipped to make decisions for Americans and their families. They’re not.  

While limiting the rights of American citizens, Kamala wants to expand the rights of non-citizens. If Kamala Harris wins, she will ensure more of these illegal citizens receive the benefits of taxpayer funded programs, and even gain the right to vote.

Take Medical Rights Away from the States and Give Them to the Federal Government
End Basic Civil Rights and Freedoms

Danger for All, Justice for None

Kamala Harris supports groups that bring danger to all communities – that’s why she endorsed donating to violent rioters’ bail funds, supporting no cash bail, and claiming illegal migrants don’t commit crimes. As Border Czar, Kamala failed to do anything to improve the increasing crisis at the Southern Border. Harris wants to eliminate our borders and allow illegal migrants to not only come into our country, but reap benefits not even some taxpayers are afforded. Harris will do nothing to stop the root cause of opioid and fentanyl crisis that is killing Americans everyday.  

Allow Violence and Crime to Run Rampant in in cities and schools
Perpetuate Open Borders and Our Broken Immigration System
Encourage Drug Cartels to Profit off the Opioid and Fentanyl Crisis in America
Prosecute Political Opposition and Weaponize the Judicial System

Threaten America’s Safety, Security, and Prosperity

Harris will work in the interest of the Military Industrial Complex under the guise of  defending America As Vice President. She is responsible for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 that left 13 Gold Star Marines dead and would not even acknowledge their families in mourning. She will increase threats to American security, and embarrass America in the face of foreign leaders.   

She will continue to disrespect fallen soldiers, the United States military, and their families. Harris will continue to employ failed Generals and mandates that prevent unvaccinated individuals from serving our Country.  

Perpetuate Neverending Wars
Fund the Military Industrial Complex
Ignore and Disrespect Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families